VERSAILLES, Ind. – Fall property taxes are due Monday, November 10.
Tax statements can be mailed to the county treasurer’s office and must be postmarked on or before the deadline date. A late payment could result in a 10 percent penalty.
The Ripley County Treasurers Office has extended hours of 8-6 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 6 and 7. The office will also be open until 6 p.m. on November 10.
Addresses for those mailing property taxes:
- Treasurer of Ripley County
PO Box 176
Versailles, In 47042
- Franklin County Treasurer
1010 Franklin Ave.
Brookville, In 47012
- Decatur County Treasurer
150 Courthouse Square, Suite 138
Greensburg, Indiana 47240
- Dearborn County Treasurer
215- B W High St.
Lawrenceburg, In 47025