Greensburg, In. — In Greensburg, Darrell Poling, incumbent councilman from District 4 has announced plans to run for reelection for an At-Large seat. Polling has 12 years on council under his belt and wants to continue progress city government has made under the leadership of Mayor Herbert and now Mayor Manus.
“I have decided to seek re-election to Greensburg City Council in the upcoming city elections. I am currently serving my 12th year as City Councilman for District 4. With anticipation, I look forward to serving another 4 years as your Councilman at Large. Serving with Mayor Herbert and now Mayor Manus, we have worked in harmony with one goal in mind – to see Greensburg be a growing and diverse city, while maintaining the small town feel.”
Poling will face Jean Johanigmman in the May Primary.