Batesville, IN — Since 1941, Phi Beta Psi National Sorority has donated over $10M through its National Project toward non-restricted cancer research grants. Although Phi Beta Psi canceled its 2020 National Convention due to Covid-19; the Chapter Presidents voted and approved six grants from applications vetted by the Medical Advisory Board. Each grant recipient received $49,553 benefiting research in Breast, Colon, Endometrial, Epithelial Ovarian, and Prostate Cancer.
In addition to the grants, there were officer and chapter awards given. Rhonda Belter, XI Chapter President, was given the Presidents Award.
For 2019-2020, the local XI Chapter donated over $20,000 to the National Project, 4th highest of all 65 chapters. XI Chapter continues to support the National Project, local families affected by a cancer diagnosis, and other worthy local charities by selling their famous cheeseballs, locally crafted ornaments, and donors/sponsors.
You may donate to Phi Beta Psi at the upcoming roadblock at Walnut and Boehringer Streets on Saturday, October 3 from 8 am to noon or by buying cheeseballs at Schmidt’s Bakery and WaterTek. You may order ornaments through their Facebook Page: “Phi Beta Psi Sorority XI Chapter“.