Outstanding warrant leads to seizure of 300 grams of meth

Aurora, IN—Tuesday, Aurora police seized approximately 300 grams of methamphetamine from a home on West Conwell Street, according to Prosecuting Attorney Lynn Deddens.

Officers were serving an active arrest warrant for Nathan C. Hauck, who was wanted on prior charges related to dealing methamphetamine. They were attempting to serve the warrant at the home of Jessica Mobarry.

While attempting to serve the warrant, officers saw evidence of methamphetamine use in plain sight, according to Deddens. Officers subsequently secured a search warrant and approximately 300 grams of methamphetamine was found inside the home.

Hauck and Mobarry were arrested for Dealing Methamphetamine, and Possession of Methamphetamine, and other related drug charges. Officers also arrested Brandy Engelhardt, who was located at the scene, on separate drug charges.

Hauck, Mobarry, and Engelhardt were arraigned in the Dearborn Circuit Court before the Hon. James D. Humphrey on December 5, 2019, and remained in the Dearborn County Law Enforcement Center as of today.