Ordinance amendment would permanently ban all smoking at parks

Batesville, IN — An ordinance was heard on its first reading Monday to make all the parks in Batesville non-smoking. The City Council heard the request from the Coalition for a Drug-Free Batesville during their regular meeting. This ban will include cigarettes, e-cigarettes, and vaping.

Originally the ordinance, from February 2017, stated that all the parks were made non-smoking with the exception of Liberty Park, which had sections that allowed for smoking due to festivals that were held there. But since then, the festivals being held at the park have gone away. Mayor Mike Bettice stated that the goal of the ordinance is to be consistent for all the parks. Mike Baumer, Batesville Park Commissioner, stated that smoking has not been an issue in the past and when people have been asked they stop.

The ordinance will be heard for a second and final time at the May City County meeting that will be held on May 11 following the Board of Works meeting at 6:30 pm in the Memorial Building.