Online auction supports OA sports

Oldenburg, In. — RomWeber Marketplace and Fast Track Auctions are teaming up for an event to help support Oldenburg Academy Athletics.

Here’s how it works:

DONATE: OASIS is seeking items for an online auction with Fast Tract Auctions that could include art, designer handbags or scarves, crystal, pottery, silver, jewelry, coins, rare books, musical instruments – even cars. Anything that can be auctioned can generate proceeds to benefit our students! It works best if items are in good to excellent condition with a minimum value of $100. Donation tax form available. Call 513-519-9936 with questions.

DROP OFF at RomWeber Marketplace any Friday, Saturday or Sunday in March anytime between 11:00 am and 4:30 pm. Location is 7 S. Eastern Avenue, Batesville.

PICK UP maybe available within a 50 mile radius. Please note some weight and size restrictions may apply. Email a picture and or description of item(s) to be picked up. A convenient time will be arranged.

WE’LL DO THE REST: Fast Track will photograph, catalogue and upload items to to be sold online on their global auction platform.

GIVE BACK: Proceeds generated through the online auction will go to Oldenburg Academy OASIS sports booster organization and will be used to purchase uniforms and sports equipment for our teams. What items are eligible for consignment? It works best if items are in good to excellent condition with a minimum value of $100.

Declutter ~ Clean Out Closets ~ Donate for a Cause ~ such as antiques, furniture, jewelry, watches, art, designer fashion accessories, decor, precious metals, coins and currencies, sports memorabilia and rare books perform very well and are a good fit for our Drop-Off program.