Oldenburg Boys Tennis plays short against Connersville

Connersville Boys Tennis improved 11-0 with a 5-0 win against a very shorthanded Oldenburg team.

Spartan coach Chris Bloom said, “We started very quickly and were able to finish the matches off fast.”

  • 1 singles- Gage Brown (CO) defeated Santiago Schutt (OA) 6-0, 6-0
  • 2 singles- Rylee Brannon (CO) defeated Carson Ruter (OA) 6-0, 6-0
  • 3 singles- James Williams (CO) won by forfeit
  • 1 doubles- Dustin McCarrell/Logen Shipley (CO) defeated Will Hollingsworth/Thad Eaglin (OA) 6-0, 6-0
  • 2 doubles- Luke Morris/Kolton DeBoard (CO) won by forfeit

We thank coach Bloom for the information.