Officials Discuss Shell Building With Citizens

BEDC President Andy Saner gave a presentation on the proposed shell building on Thursday evening.
BEDC President Andy Saner gave a presentation on the proposed shell building on Thursday evening.

Progress continues on the possibility of a shell building in Batesville.

The Batesville Economic Development Commission (BEDC) held a public meeting on Thursday to discuss the prospects of constructing a shell building.

A shell is the basic skeleton of a building with an exterior and interior, however not completely finished. If officials in Batesville decide to construct the building, it could be around 50,000 sq ft. and also have up to 30′ ceilings. The building and property could also be easily expandable.

The advantages of a shell building are simple. Job creation.

According to the Indiana Economic Development Commission, 84 percent of corporations considering relocation to Indiana request a pre-existing building. 62 percent of those companies want a building and property.

BEDC President Andy Saner led the presentation and noted, “Having an actual shell building is critical, because we are hearing time and time again, that is what new businesses are asking for.”

Saner revealed multiple reasons why be believes the building would benefit Batesville. With corporations requesting existing structures, this would be a proactive approach to job creation. The building can also give Batesville more to offer to a business considering relocation, he referenced.

According to Saner, “We have a top-notch school system, great community, great medical facilities and top business already in the location”

The city also offers tremendous geographic location according to the BEDC President.

“Probably the biggest thing when we are talking about new development is proximity to I-74 and where we sit between Indianapolis and Cincinnati.”

“We have heard multiple times that this corridor will continue to grow over the next 10 to 15 years.” added Saner.

Though the new industrial park by Merkel Road has been mentioned as a location for the prospective building, officials say a decision has not been made. They have also considered building on the already developed Commerce Center near Buckley’s Service Center.

Following the presentation of the project, Saner was asked several questions from the public in an open forum. City Council Member Kevin Chaffee, along with Batesville residents Jim Dreyer and Mike Vonderheide inquired on different aspects of the project.

In addition to location, concerns regarding the size of the building and utilities, budget, timeline and risk of the project were addressed.

Batesville officials will continue to gather more information from prospective contractors which includes Bruns-Gutzwiller, Inc. of Batesville, Garmong Construction Services of Terre Haute, Runnebohm Construction of Shelbyville, Maxwell Construction of Greendale, and GM Development which a real-estate development company.

Mayor Rick Fledderman said, “I anticipate we will have a decision within the next four, five, or six weeks.”