No Drivers Ed at South Ripley This Summer

(Versailles, IN) – Drivers’ Education will not be offered by South Ripley Schools this summer.

Superintendent Rob Moorhead says the number of schools offering Drivers Ed has dwindled over the years because of difficulty finding qualified instructors, many of whom now work for private driving schools in the area.

He provided information about the issue at this week’s South Ripley School Board meeting.

Moorhead adds South Ripley partnered with the Wilson Education Center and the Central Indiana Education Service Center last year to offer summer Drivers’ Ed, but they’ve also run into the same staffing issues.

Moorhead encourages people to look for area providers and consider online options.

He says South Ripley was one of the last holdouts when it came to local schools offering Drivers’ Education.

Rob Moorhead appeared on Thursday’s edition of The Daily Pod. You can listen to the interview in its entirety here.