Nine confirmed COVID-19 cases in Franklin County

BROOKVILLE, Ind. – Health officials confirmed four new cases for COVID-19 Tuesday which brings the total of confirmed cases in Franklin County to nine.

Officials also announced that the first patient confirmed in the county has met the guidelines to be released from quarantine.

“The individual is doing well and his family has shown no symptoms of the virus throughout the quarantine. Officials received several negative test results from various individuals who have been tested,” the press release stated.

The four new cases from Tuesday are all adults with one of the four being a presumptive positive from March 22.  

“The data can sometimes seem confusing when it comes to presumptive positives and confirmed positives,” stated Angie Ruther, RN. Ruther, the Health Department supervisor, went on to say, “Due to the volume of tests that have been conducted, the fact that tests are being conducted in different labs, and some patients being in out of state hospitals, it can take some time before we receive the results. Unfortunately, that can lead to a lot of misunderstanding, as well as a greater sense of anxiety in the community.”