New grant program to help Indiana Main Street organizations

Statewide– Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch and the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs launched Taking Care of Main Street, a new program to provide operational support for Indiana Main Street programs. “Downtowns are the heartbeats of our rural communities, and we recognize the significant impact our businesses and organizations have faced throughout this pandemic,” said Lt. Gov. Crouch. “Indiana Main Street organizations continue to serve as vital resources, particularly in our small and rural areas, and this is yet another way we can support them in their efforts.”

The goal is to support Indiana Main Street organizations that provide leadership and activities to the public, using the Main Street Approach™, with special attention to organizations that have been significantly impacted by COVID-19. Grants of up to $5,000 will be awarded to at least forty Main Street programs based on demonstration of the following:

A designated Indiana Main Street with an operational history of at least two consecutive years;
Demonstrated impact of COVID-19 on their Main Street community;
Provided explanation of how a reduction of funds has impacted the program’s activities;
Explanation of how funds will assist the organization and what future funding will support;
Demonstrated operating costs in excess of $10,000;
A current work plan; and
rural/urban representation of applicants.

Eligible expenses could include salaries, administrative/consultant fees, space/equipment rental, or staff development and training. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and can be submitted at any time beginning today. Each eligible application will be reviewed and awarded by OCRA on a first-come, first-serve basis until funds are depleted. Upon receiving a fully executed grant agreement, the grantee will receive 100 percent of the grant award.

Applications are now open and only online applications will be accepted. For more program information, click here .