New art downtown to involve BCSC students

Batesville, IN — A new mural display of artwork by students of the Batesville Community School Corporation (BCSC) is being installed on Main Street in Batesville through the collaborative effort of the Batesville Community Education Foundation (BCEF) and two of its corporate sponsors, Rowland Graphics and The Simons Company.

Dubbed “Art on Main,” the new program will feature artwork from students from all four BCSC schools over the course of a year. Art teachers at each school have been given the latitude to determine whether the art project for that school will be a group effort or will be selected from individual entries. This school year’s theme, chosen by BCEF board members, is “Bulldogs for Life.” The four BCSC schools’ artwork will be displayed downtown one at a time on a rotating basis, giving each building’s students time in the community spotlight.

While BCEF is sponsoring the new program by covering the annual cost of the materials to create the murals and coordinating with the teachers, Rowland Graphics and The Simons Company are integral partners, providing the production of, installation of, and location for the murals. Rowland Graphics will convert the submitted artwork into mountable murals, and the side of The Simons Company building on Main Street will provide a central downtown location for the display.

The first mural this school year features artwork from the following four students from Batesville Primary School (BPS), combined to create a fall scene: Kate Shotwell, Jaeger Hund, and Sofia Garcia (all second graders) and Wyatt Moorman (first grader). The other schools’ mural displays will follow with several months apart for display.