Versailles, In. — Accused murder suspect, Nathaniel Walmsley’s request to dismiss charges has been denied. Walmsley and co-defendant, Al Trimnell face murder charges following the overdose death of Nathaniel’s wife Rachael in July of 2017.
A similar motion made by Trimnell earlier this year was also denied. That decision is being appealed.
Ripley County prosecutor Ric Hertel said, “There are some similar issues in both cases but some stark differences exist too.” He went on saying, “it seems to make sense to resolve these issues prior to any trial locally. Ultimately, the higher Courts in Indiana will address these issues and the State will move forward as the decisions are rendered. Our direction will be dictated by their decisions.”
Pending actions by the Indiana Court of Appeals the scheduled trial dates have been put on hold.
Both suspects are being held.