Monday weather ranges from Elevated Fire Danger to overnight Freeze Warning

Southeastern IN — The area will be under an Elevated Fire Danger this afternoon and early evening.

The National Weather Service says northwesterly wind gusts of up to 30 mph will combine with low humidity and dry conditions to create elevated fire potential.

You’re urged to avoid open burning this afternoon and early evening.

Meantime, a Freeze Warning has been issued from 10:00 tonight until 10:00 Tuesday morning.

Temperatures in the upper 20s are expected overnight, which means frost and freeze conditions will kill crops and other sensitive vegetation, and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing.

Forecasters say to take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold.

To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly.

Residents with in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above-ground pipes to protect them from freezing.