Lt. Governor Crouch visits nation’s capital, discusses rural broadband growth

Washington D.C. —Indiana Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch recently visited Washington, D.C., to meet with several federal legislators and speak at the National Lieutenant Governors Association roundtable.

“Sharing our progress regarding rural broadband with fellow state leaders was an important step in continuing the conversation on how we can bring internet access to rural areas across the nation,” Crouch said. “Indiana has been moving the needle on broadband for years, and we are starting to see some progress being made in the state, and I hope other states take note and work collaboratively to close the digital divide.”

Crouch visited the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to discuss the Section 108 Loan Guarantee Program and rural broadband. The Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs utilizes HUD’s Community Development Block Grants, and can transform a small portion of those into physical and economic revitalization projects.

The United States Department of Agriculture’s Office of Rural Development also met with Crouch and shared the Rural eConnectivity Pilot Program and its initiatives. This earmarked $550 million for the program, which encourages the building of broadband infrastructure in America.

“I have heard from countless Hoosiers during my travels of the state how important high-speed, affordable broadband is to their lives. It is important we share that message with our federal leaders so we can all work together to improve internet access,” Crouch said.