Local Soccer Uniforms Going Global


Donated Batesville High School soccer uniforms have arrived in Haiti.
Donated Batesville High School soccer uniforms have arrived in Haiti.The Batesville Boys Soccer team had old equipment sitting in storage that was no longer needed last year. The apparel could have easily been thrown away, but the team wanted to make sure it went to someone that could use it.

The Batesville Boys Soccer team had old equipment sitting in storage last year that was no longer needed. The apparel could have easily been thrown away, but the team wanted to make sure it went to someone that could use it.

“After asking local soccer clubs if they needed it we searched for an organization to donate that would give it to the needy,” said Batesville Boys Soccer Coach Chris Fox.

The team contacted Gear Going Global, a nonprofit organization established to send used sports gear collected by donations to children in third-world countries.

The group was created by Wes Boone, a high school student in Montgomery County, Indiana.

The soccer team delivered the equipment to Boone and recently received word that uniforms have arrived in Haiti. The clothing was also shipped to Cameroon, Honduras, and Sierre Leone.

“We have about two sets left of the uniforms and plan to send them to Ecuador and Peru,” said Boone. “It is so cool to see these guys in the Batesville High School uniforms!”