Local group offers Ham Radio training course

Madison, In.— Starting in February, the Local Amateur Radio Club Presents Free Ham Radio License Training Course.

This is the entry-level ham license is required to become an Amateur Radio Operator.

Amateur Radio Service operators develop valuable skills that can be used for public service to provide emergency and disaster communications or to converse with others around the world for fun.

Whether it’s for emergencies, experimentation or just plain fun, the Technician Class license will help you get started in this exciting hobby of Ham Radio.

The Royal Rangers Amateur Radio Club is offering this training course for everyone in the area and is open to the public.

Interested individuals of all ages from youth to senior citizens and everyone in between are encouraged to participate.

Classes will be held on Monday evenings from 6:00 – 8:30 PM, running for nine weeks starting February 4, 2019, at the Madison Assembly of God Church, Family Life Center, located at 1636 Clifty Drive in Madison Indiana.

In order to earn the Technician license, it requires passing one examination totaling 35 questions on radio theory, regulations and operating practices.

The written examination establishes your level of operational and technical ability in performing properly the duties of an amateur service licensee. It only takes a 70% score to earn a license.

There is no charge for the class. The only expense involved will be a $15.00 examination fee for the test.

Details will be available at the first class session.

There are books and study guides available for purchase from outside sources to help with your learning.

These vary in cost and are offered by various suppliers. We will be using the ARRL Ham Radio License Manual, 4th edition.

It is not mandatory you have the manual but highly recommended.

Early registration is suggested as seating may be limited and final arrangements need to be made as soon as possible.

For more information or to sign-up for the training contact Jerry Barnes by email at ka9pij@cinergymetro.net or by phone 812-569-8925.