Local FFA members compete in Dairy Cattle Judging

Photo from L to R: Caleb Harper, Lloyd Darringer, Sophie Callahan, Amelia Hartman, Erica Kathman, John Kathman, Isaac Hartman, and Jacob Miller

St Leon, In. — Recently FFA teams from East Central High School participated in the Area 1 Dairy Cattle Judging CDE was held at a dairy farm in Decatur County. East Central’s FFA Chapter had three teams that participated in the contest. The contest consisted of judging several different classes of dairy cattle and presenting oral reasons for their placing’s.

The teams of John Kathman, Isaac Hartman, and Jacob Miller, along with Caleb Harper, Lloyd Darringer, and Sophie Callahan will be moving onto the state contest in May. Caleb Harper placed 12th overall.

The East Central FFA Chapter recognizes the hard work of area young men and women.