‘Legacy Art Show’ coming to Greensburg

Greensburg, in. — Art on the Square Gallery is pleased to celebrate the creative expressions of the founding artists who were responsible for the serious art movement in Decatur County and began sharing their valued work with the public through local Art Galleries to establish a Legacy beginning some 54 years ago.  The exhibit is comprised of loaned works from various private collections the owners of which we extend our appreciation and thanks.

Featured Legacy artists include Dr. Dale D. Dickson, Harold Hancock, Jon Bedel, Sue S. Magargel, Richard Alexander, Carrie O’Hara Page, Jim Spillman, Kathryn Martin, and Martha Samuels.

On this occasion the Gallery is offering FREE quality prints from Carrie O’Hara Page’s and Jim Spillman’s works.  The public is invited to stop into the Gallery and take away a print for their own collection.

The public is also invited to a “Second Friday” Reception, June 8th from 4:00 to 7:00 PM for the Legacy Art Show. Guests at the “Second Friday” reception will be able to meet local artists who will be present and view the works of the Legacy artists.

The event is free and wine, cheese, soft drinks and hors d’oeuvres will be served.  The public is welcome: Families, Children, Friends and Colleagues.  The Art On The Square Gallery is located at 114 W. Washington Street in Greensburg on the North Side of the Square with regular gallery hours, Wednesday – Friday from 11 A.M. to 3:30 P.M., and Saturday from 11:00 A.M to 2:00 P.M., closed Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.  The Exhibit will be on display until the end of June.  For more information visit www.artonthesquaregallery.com or call the Gallery at 812-663-8600.

The ongoing GALLERY NIGHT OUT painting opportunities are held each month.  The public is invited to bring family and friends of all ages and abilities to a fun evening at the Gallery on Tuesday, June 19th from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Participants are encourage to bring their favorite beverages and snacks to enjoy during the evening. “We will be creating an easy acrylic painting and techniques “SUMMER VACATION”, said Judy Glore, instructor and President of the (DCAC).  “No prior painting experience is needed and all supplies and professional instruction will be provided for a $25 fee and you leave the evening with a finished painting.”, said Margaret Parker, instructor and officer of the (DCAC). Please register at 812-663-8430 or the Gallery at 812-663-8600. A sample painting is on display in the Gallery window or on the Facebook page ‘Art on the Square Galllery” or the website www.artonthesquaregallery.com under ‘classes’.  Other times, dates, and subjects can be arranged for small groups for the Gallery Night Out classes.

Art on the Square Gallery is a subsidiary of Decatur County Arts Connection, Inc. a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization promoting arts events and activities through creation, exhibits, and education for the community’s enjoyment and growth. Become a financial supporter of the arts events sponsored by the Gallery by joining us as a Patron. Forms are available at the Gallery and donations are tax deductible. “Supporting the Decatur County Arts Connection and the Art on the Square Fine Arts Gallery and their programs financially will ensure that the arts stay strong in our community.  The current Gallery has been serving the community for almost 10 years of the 54 years Legacy and looks to expand its programming opportunities in the future with your support”, expressed Fred Craig, local fine arts photographer and VP of the DCAC..

Our catch phrase is: Express yourself through Art.