Landfill rezoning back on County agenda

Greensburg, IN—The proposed land-fill expansion is back on the agenda for the March Decatur County Area Plan Commission that will be held this Wednesday at 7 pm at the Decatur County Courthouse.  The owners of the landfill, BEX Farms, are looking to expand their current operating land area by 150 acres.  According to the landfills experts, there is a need for the land over the next 40 to 50 years at the current pace with current usage.  The owners are looking to rezone the area from A-1 to an I-2 zoning classification, but plan to continue farming as much of the land as possible while using small sections at a time.  Members of the public will be able to speak during the meeting, but according to Area Plan Director Krista Duvall, there might be a time limit imposed in order to address all public concerns.