Batesville, In. — Since 1977 the Batesville Kiwanis club has been supporting thousands of youths in our community. In fact, members say the “K” in Kiwanis stands for Kids.
This year club members invite the public to purchase a $25 chance to win a John Deere TS 4×2 Gator from Nobbe Mower Shop or a Sony 55” 4K Ultra HD TV from Geis Electronics. The raffle drawing will be held Sunday, September 28 during Applefest at Liberty Park.
The money raised from this raffle will support the 60th annual Batesville High School Scholastic Awards Program. The Scholastic Award Program is sponsored by Batesville Jaycees past members and Batesville Kiwanis Club current members. Winners do not have to be present to win.
Tickets can be purchased from any Batesville Kiwanis member, or at Nobbe Mower Shop and Geis Electronics.