JCD SPOOKTACULAR Mini-Golf Scramble on Friday

Osgood, IN—The Jac-Cen-Del High School Band is holding a SPOOKTACULAR Mini-Golf Scramble on Friday, November 1st at the Delaware Campgrounds.  The event starts at 6 pm and the proceeds from the event will go towards lowering the cost of the band trip to Walt Disney World during Spring Break 2020!  Teams of 4 will compete to be the Mini-Golf Champions! The grand prize for the winning team is a $100 gift card and bragging rights!  The event will also include food, music, a campfire, and a costume contest, so make sure to come out dressed in your best Halloween costume to support our fantastic students!

Admission for the event is $7 per person or $25/team of 4 in advance or $8/person and $30/team of 4 the day of the event.  Please complete the attached form and turn it in with the registration fee to Cameron Papandria (band director) at Jac-Cen-Del High School.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact Cameron Papandria at cpapandria@jaccendel.k12.in.us or Alesha Neal at 812-621-1670. 

The JCD Band is also looking for people, companies, businesses, organizations, etc. to sponsor each of the holes for the upcoming Mini-Golf Fundraiser on November 1st at 6 pm at the Delaware Campgrounds. If you or someone you know is interested in sponsoring a hole for the event, please contact Alesha Neal at 812-621-1670 or Nichole Drockelman at ndrockelman@jaccendel.k12.in.us or 812-212-2170. More information is also attached.

If you do not want to set up a booth but still want to support the event, donations are welcome! All proceeds from the event will go towards lowering the cost of the band trip for participating students.  Please consider helping out our fantastic students!