Statewide— The Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission issued an order Wednesday initiating an investigation into the impact of COVID-19 on Hoosier ratepayers and utilities. Governor Eric Holcomb issued Executive Order 20-02 on March 6, 2020, declaring a public health emergency for the pandemic, followed by an Executive Order on March 19, which included a disconnection moratorium for utilities. Indiana’s public health emergency, including the prohibition of utility disconnections, has been renewed through subsequent Executive Orders, and is currently set to expire on June 30.
The Commission’s Order is in response to two petitions filed by parties for an investigation to consider the impacts of COVID-19 on utility service and seeking certain ratepayer protections; the second: from multiple utilities in the state including Duke Energy, Ohio Valley Gas Corp., Ohio Valley Gas, Inc., along with 8 other utility companies seeking certain relief related to the impact of COVID-19 on their utility operations.
The investigation will occur in two phases. In Phase 1, the Commission requests information from all parties regarding disconnections, utility fees, and customer payment arrangements, as well as regulatory accounting. The Commission plans to issue an Order prior to the current June 30, 2020, expiration of the executive disconnection moratorium. Phase 2 also includes a request that jurisdictional Indiana utilities intending to participate in the proceeding and request rate relief provide additional information in monthly reports beginning from the date of today’s Order. The Commission anticipates that impacts due to the COVID-19 pandemic may not be fully understood for months, if not years, as the effect is ongoing.
The Commission welcomes comments from stakeholders and consumers. The public may provide comments to the Indiana Office of Utility Consumer Counselor (OUCC), the state agency that represents the public in cases before the Commission. Comments may be submitted online at or by mail or email:
Mail: Consumer Services Staff
Indiana Office of Utility Consumer Counselor
115 W. Washington St., Suite 1500 South
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Email: [email protected]
Written comments should include the ratepayer’s name, mailing address, and a reference to “Cause No. 45380.”