ISP releases drug assessment results

Sellersburg, In. — Indiana State Police have released the results of a six-month assessment of drug-related crimes in five southern Indiana counties.

From June of 2017 to January of 2018 police made 164 arrests that netted four ounces of methamphetamine, 20 grams of heroin, 253 pounds of marijuana, 13.8 grams of cocaine and 133 different types of prescription medications. The total value of the drugs confiscated was $218,380. Prosecutors filled at least 508 criminal charges during the operation.

Indiana State Police are releasing the numbers for two reasons. One, to let the drug dealers know to stop business or leave town and secondly, to let the public know that the tips we are receiving from them are a tremendous help in our fight against illegal drug trafficking.

The operation was conducted in Clark, Washington, Floyd and Harrison. , Jefferson