ISP promote safe driving tips for inclement weather

Statewide—According to the Indiana State Police Dispatch Center in Indianapolis, statewide troopers investigated 336 property damage crashes, 79 personal injury crashes and 213 Assist Motorists (slide-offs) during the same time period.  With more substantial snowfall coming this afternoon and overnight, the Indiana State Police would like to offer some safe driving tips.

The most common cause of crashes during snow or icy weather is speed too fast for the existing road conditions. Remember, slick roads don’t cause crashes-it’s your driving behavior on those roads that causes the crash. Plan your trip according to weather and traffic conditions.

The Indiana State Police offers the following safe driving tips for inclement weather.

  • •Allow extra time to get to your destination.
  • •Clear all windows of ice and snow and remove snow from hood, roof and headlights and tail lights.
  • •Beware of bridges, overpasses, and intersections where ice tends to form first.
  • •Don’t use cruise control on slick roads.
  • •Avoid abrupt stops and starts, slow down gradually and keep wheels turning to avoid losing traction.
  • •Use headlights even during daylight hours.
  • •INCREASE the following distance between you and the vehicle in front of you.
  • •DECREASE YOUR SPEED according to the road conditions.
  • •Make sure everyone in your vehicle is properly restrained.
  • •DON’T BE DISTRACTED-Pull over and stop to use electronic devices.
  • •MOVE OVER and SLOW DOWN for emergency vehicles, snowplows and highway service vehicles.

It’s going to snow, and roadways will be slick, so leave early and give yourself extra time to reach your destination. If you don’t have to go out, then don’t go. Give highway crews time to work and get the roads cleared. Slow down and increase your following distance, as it’s better to reach your destination late than to not reach your destination at all.