IRS provides a site to check on stimulus status

People across the country and locally are wondering if and when they will be receiving the newest stimulus from the government. The initial direct deposit payments began arriving as early as December 29th for some while others have not seen any sign of it in accounts. Local banks are inundated with calls and are asking customers not to contact them about the stimulus checks. The IRS has an online option to check for your payment. Click here to go to their website where you can check on the status.

Click on the button that says “Get My Payment”

This will let you confirm
• That we sent your second Economic Impact payment, also known as a stimulus payment.
• That we sent your first payment. Some people received their first Economic Impact Payment in partial payments. If you received partial payments, the application will show only the most recent.
• Your payment type: direct deposit or mail.
Data is updated once per day overnight, so there’s no need to check more than once per day.
Please do not call the IRS about the second stimulus payment; our phone assistors do not have additional information beyond what’s available here on and in the Get My Payment application.