Seymour, In. — Indiana Department of Transportation officials have announced to projects on U.S. 50 in Dearborn, Ripley and Jennings Counties.
US 50 “White Top”—SR 101 to Aurora
Walsh Construction of Crown Point is Indiana’s contractor for a $16,790,126 “white-top” resurfacing project on 4.56 miles of U.S. 50 from State Road 101 to just west of Aurora. The contract calls for topping the east-west roadway with a 4½-inch concrete overlay that consulting engineers say could have a 20-year service life.
The white-top project includes a significant amount of concrete and asphalt patching, plus new driveway and road/street approaches. Traffic will be shifted to single lanes in each direction on one side of the highway—then the other—while milling and overlay operations take place.
Walsh hopes to mobilize in early February and begin actual construction activities by April 1. The construction contract has a completion date of November 15.
The U.S. 50 white-top project limits extent from 1.85 miles east of S.R. 262 to 2.44 miles west of S.R. 350. Daily traffic count is 13,490 vehicles per day.
US 50 “Black Top”—Jennings/Ripley County Line to SR 101
Dave O’Mara Contractor Inc. has been contracted to repair and resurface U.S. 50 from the Jennings/Ripley County line east to S.R. 101. Crews will begin forming 19 ADA-compliant curb ramps at Versailles in early April. At the same time, the North Vernon contractor will start making full- and partial-depth pavement repairs along the 17.5 mile-long route.
The state’s $4 million contract calls for resurfacing the section of U.S. 50 with a thin HMA asphalt overlay. This “black top” project includes drive and road/street approaches and installation of a center rumble strip. Motorists will encounter single-lane restrictions with flaggers directing traffic around worksites as needed.
U.S. 50’s traffic count at the construction zone is 9,800 vehicle per day. The contract completion date is November 15.