Statewide—The latest in a long line of five-year plans to help determine the future public outdoor recreation needs of all Indiana residents and plan for that future is available from the Department of Natural Resources.
Just as similar organizations in other states, the Indiana DNR is required to create a comprehensive state-level outdoor recreation plan every five years. This planning process keeps Indiana eligible to obtain funds from the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) that DNR then re-grants to park boards in counties, townships, cities, and towns.
The new 140-page Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP), which covers 2016-2020 and includes the 2021-2025 Indiana Trails Plan, can be downloaded here. The site also includes information on how the study is done.
For more information, contact DNR Outdoor Recreation’s Greg Beilfuss at 317-232-4071 or [email protected].