Indiana Grown looks to get farmers and schools closer with producer directory

Batesville, In. — A new partnership between the Purdue Extension Service and the Indiana Department of Education, State Department of Health and the Indiana Grown Program is aiming to get more local food in schools and teach kids where it comes from.

Indiana Grown has received a grant to produce a directory of farmers who are qualified to sell products to local schools. The directory will be given to food service directors to use as an easy guide to source local products.

Indiana Grown membership development program manager, Heather Tallman has developed a survey for producers that will be used to produce the directory. A link to the survey is here.

Producers must be GAP (Good Agricultural Practices) certified and training is offered by the Purdue Extension Service and the State Department of Health.

The survey deadline is Thursday, February 28 for the printed edition. A digital version of the directory will be updated throughout the year.