Chicago, IL — Planning a weekend trip to Chicago? You may want to rethink that. Chicago health officials updated the city’s emergency travel order Tuesday and added Indiana, New Mexico, North Carolina, and Rhode Island. The full list now includes 30 states and territories.
Starting Friday, anyone arriving from the newly-added states will be required to self-quarantine for 14 days in Chicago, or they could face fines of $100-$500 per day, up to $7,000.
For Indiana, according to the city’s website, the Order applies to individuals coming from Indiana to Chicago for non-work purposes and Chicago residents returning from Indiana, unless they are deemed an essential worker. Exceptions to the Order for personal travel will be permitted for travel for medical care and parental shared custody. Individuals who travel to Indiana from Chicago, even if for less than 24 hours, still need to quarantine upon returning unless deemed an essential worker or are a student who commutes for school.