Statewide—Indiana’s dairy industry needs the United States Mexico Agreement to be profitable after four years of sagging market prices, said Doug Leman, head of the Indiana Dairy Producers. Leman is representing Indiana agriculture on a trip to Mexico with Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch.this week.
“Being here in Mexico currently is so interesting, as they’ve already ratified it and their attitude is great about it,” said Leman. “For our dairy producers, it’s so important. We’ve been through four years of extremely low prices and then we’ve had to deal with trade issues and now weather issues.” Leman said he sees the agreement as at least part of the solution.
“With Canada and Mexico being our number one trade partners and our neighbors, that’s really where we need to be focusing. As I found out here in Mexico, there is a need for products. We’d love to be able to help out.”
Leman said he would encourage Hoosier dairy farmers and anyone interested, to contact their representatives and encourage Congress to ratify the agreement, which would essentially replace NAFTA as a new trade agreement between the three countries.