Hoosier American Legion and Indiana Troopers Youth Services announce enrollment for Youth Cadet Law Enforcement Academy 2019 class

Indianapolis, In. — The American Legion Department of Indiana is proud to announce that enrollment is open for the second annual Indiana Youth Cadet Law Enforcement Academy and they are currently accepting applications for the 2019 class.

The Indiana Youth Cadet Law Enforcement Academy, a partnership between the Indiana Troopers Youth Services and The American Legion, Dept. of Indiana, provides first-hand experiences and insight into the operations of law enforcement agencies. The program also allows these highly motivated young people to consider law enforcement as a potential career choice.

“If this program changes one life, keeps one at-risk youth off the streets and out of a body bag if it redirects one Hoosier youth life from negative to positive, we believe it’s worth it,” said Indiana Youth Cadet Law Enforcement Academy Chairman Mark Gullion.

The 2019 Academy will be held at Anderson University, July 14 through July 19, 2019. Please visit www.indianalegion.org/lawcadet for more registration information, or contact Sgt. Danielle Elwood Henderson at (317) 450-8720.

The 2019 Academy will be limited to the first 75 registered applicants. Registration is open to boys and girls currently in grades 9 thru 12. The registration/sponsorship fee is $300 per Cadet. This fee, which may be paid by an American Legion Post, District or by donation, is payable to the Department of Indiana no later than July 1, 2019.

“The American Legion believes that our youth have a strong sense of patriotism and high regard for Law and Order, said Gullion. “The objective of IYCLEA Camp is to provide a first-hand look at the role of a police officer in today’s society.”

The American Legion Department of Indiana is comprised of more than 77,000 military service veterans who have served honorably during times of conflict in defense of their nation and has been active within Indiana since 1919. The Indiana American Legion has represented veterans from every major conflict since World War II to Iraq and Afghanistan within its membership.

The Indiana Legion provides representation to 63,000 of the 87,500 service-connected disabled veterans in Indiana for entitled Veterans Affairs benefits, making up 71 percent of the claims work in the state, bringing back more than 385 million a year to the Hoosier economy, free of charge, regardless of membership.