Aurora, In. — The Dearborn County Recycling Center is collecting an item this holiday season that might be a bit unexpected. Holiday lights are being accepted for proper disposal. Broken holiday lights of all kinds can be dropped-off in the Recycling Center Drive-Thru, Monday through Friday 9 a. m. to 4 p.m. and Wednesday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Holiday lights that were in perfect working order last year might not work when they are brought out for this year’s festivities. Those lights can be brought to the Recycling Center along with all the strands that have become too tangled or burnt out to use.
The Dearborn County Solid Waste Management is a subunit of the Dearborn County government. It operates the Dearborn County Recycling Center in Aurora, which provides recycling and special disposal services to residents. The public utilizes 13 drop-off locations for recycling of household items and the Drive-Thru for problematic wastes, such as tires, electronics and motor oil. The District also collects Household Hazardous Wastes and runs a non-profit reuse center for education and charitable causes. Educational services are provided at no additional cost to anyone interested.