The Greensburg Junior High Cross Country teams hosted Rushville on Thursday night. Both teams won with incredibly low scores. The Lady Pirates won with a perfect score of 15 against the Lady Lions’ 46 while the Greensburg Gents scored 17 to Rushville’s 43 points.
Leading the Lady Pirates in the victory was Madeline Risher with a season-best time of 11:32. She was followed by 4 of her teammates for the perfect score of 15. Eleanor Davis was runner-up with Maria Scholle, Lulu Webb, and Hadley Davis earning the coveted top 5 spots. Risher, Scholle, Webb, Annalise Keller, Kate McNulty, and Noelle Kern all ran season-best times Thursday night. Annalise Keller improved the most by shedding over a minute from her previous personal best time!
2024 XC Girls Rville Place
Risher, Madeline 11:32 1
Davis, Eleanor 11:59 2
Scholle, Maria 12:13 3
Webb, Lulu Belle 12:41 4
Davis, Hadley 14:20 5
Keller, Annalise 14:51 7
McNulty, Kate 15:04 10
Kern, Noelle 18:17 12
Jackson Tekulve led the boys’ team in their win against the Lions. The pack of Pirates solidified the win with a nearly perfect score of 17 as Oliver Corya, Jack Gindling, and Kason Bedel earned the next 3 spots and Liam Hernandez captured 7th. Gindling, Bedel, Hernandez, Luke Harris, and Konnor Luers all ran season-best times. A big highlight of the night was when Bedel broke 13 for the first time setting a New Career PR!
2024 XC Boys Rville Place
Tekulve, Jackson 11:52 1
Corya, Oliver 12:25 2
Gindling, Jack 12:29 3
Bedel, Kason 12:50 4
Hernandez, Liam 14:53 7
Harris, Luke 14:56 8
Gill, Miles 15:39 10
Luers, Konnor 15:41 11
The Pirates will compete again next Tuesday in the Waldron Mohawk Invitational.
(Submitted by the school’s athletic department.)