Greensburg attorney announces congressional run

Democrat Greensburg attorney Jim Pruett has officially announced his candidacy for the sixth congressional district.

Mr. Pruett indicated that he is running at this time because of his concern for the future and the average American’s place in government. Pruett quoted the first Republican president and, former Hoosier, Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address where Lincoln stated that our nation is “a government of the people, by the people and for the people.” But he went on to say we have become a government “Of the rich, by the rich and for the rich.” The candidate explained that he had nothing against being rich, but to have a strong representative government people from all backgrounds must be at the table. “We the people govern our country. Everyone is a part of America and everyone is a part of the American dream.” Finally Mr. Pruett stressed that “we must bring the people back to the power. And with your help that is what I intend to do.”

The 60 year old candidate recognized his wife of nearly 40 years, his children and their partners, and his 6 year old Grandson. Mr. Pruett has been civically engaged for many years in various organizations. He is a past president of various local organizations including the Decatur County Red Cross board, the Decatur County Bar Association, Tree County Players, and currently serves as a commissioner on the Greensburg Board of Aviation. He can be contacted at or on his Facebook page @PruettforIndiana or on Twitter @PruettforIN . He is also accepting donations on