Grants available for awareness of substance use in Ripley County

Ripley County, IN — Grant applications are now available from Ripley County Drug Awareness Coalition to area non-profits and organizations that help bring awareness and education to the issue of substance use and abuse in Ripley County. Over $16,000 will be awarded to applicants that can demonstrate how their program positively impacts one of the following problems in the  community:

1. Alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs continue to be a problem for the youth of Ripley County.
2. The abuse and misuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs continue to be a problem for adults and families in Ripley County.
3. The pervasive use and misuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs impacts all of the citizens of Ripley County.

Applications may be found on the Coalition’s website at, Facebook page or by emailing [email protected]. Grants are due by noon on April 15, 2021.

The Ripley County Drug Awareness Coalition serves as a resource for prevention and substance abuse issues within Ripley County. Members from over 25 agencies join together in the Coalition to educate and prevent substance abuse. The public is invited to meetings held on the third Thursday of each month from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm at the Osgood Town Hall.