UPDATE: Franklin County Has “Presumptive” COVID-19 case

Brookville, IN –

Update: In a press release from The Franklin County Board of Health and Health Department today, they have reported the first presumptive positive result for COVID-19, more commonly known as novel coronavirus.  A presumptive positive means an individual was first tested at a regional medical facility/doctor’s office.  Officials are awaiting the results of confirmatory testing conducted by the Center for Disease Control (CDC).

The individual affected, along with this person’s family, are currently taking necessary steps including self-quarantine.  Although this person did have a presumptive positive result, it has been reported that this person is recovering.  Officials are working to determine where the individual may have been exposed to the virus.

Health officials are working closely with Emergency Management, the Commissioner’s Office, County Council, Franklin County Sheriff’s Department, as well as with the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) and CDC to monitor the latest updates and are committed to sharing information as it becomes available.

Citizens are encouraged to continue taking precautions such as:

 -Washing your hands

 -Social distancing

 -Avoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth.

Avoid spreading illness to those who may be more susceptible due to underlying health conditions by staying home if you are sick, except to get medical care.  Use times of school/employment closures to stay home. 

If you think you have been exposed to COVID-19 and develop symptoms such as fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, call your healthcare provider for medical advice.  For the latest information, visit www.in.gov/isdh or www.cdc.gov.   


Original Story: The first presumptive case of COVID-19 in Franklin County was announced by officials Sunday afternoon.

The confirmation test is still pending as the patient and their family are self-quarantined, according to a NIXLE released by Franklin County 911 Communications.

The identity and exact location of the patient was not released. 

WRBI will update this story when more information is made available.