Back: Ben Ball, Nick Hesselbrock, Abrey Losekamp, Isaac Selm, Austin Volk, Emmy Dehner, Nate Frondorf
Andersonville, In. — On October 5, 2017 the Franklin County FFA competed in the Area VII soils judging CDE held in Andersonville, Indiana. It was a very rainy and muddy day but the members still enjoyed competing in the contest. Eric Schwab placed 18th in the junior division. The members that competed in the senior division along with their individual placements are listed below:
20th: Isaac Selm
39th: Ben Ball
40th: Austin Volk
43rd: Abrey Losekamp
60th: Nate Frondorf
68th: Nakai Chitwood
72nd: Emmy Dehner
73rd: Audrey Herrmann
74th: Nick Hesselbrock
76th: Pete Volk
85th: Kayla Galyen
The teams along with their placings are listed below:
12th: Isaac Selm
Abrey Losekamp
Nick Hesselbrock
Kayla Galyen
15th: Ben Ball
Austin Volk
Nate Frondorf
Pete Volk
21st: Emmy Dehner
Nakai Chitwood
Audrey Herrmann