Statewide-The DNR Division of Fish & Wildlife is looking for volunteers to count wild turkeys and their offspring from July 1 to Aug. 31.
Each summer, wildlife biologists and volunteers conduct brood surveys, counting the number of young wild turkeys observed with turkey hens to estimate how many young turkeys live through the summer. Summer brood survival is one of the primary factors influencing wild turkey population trends in various regions of the state and informs wild turkey management.
Turkey biologists can’t do it by themselves. So they need help from volunteers to get an accurate count of turkey broods in the state.
The goal this summer is to collect 3,000 brood observation reports from citizens across the state, with at least 25 brood observations in each county.
To help, please register as a 2019 participant by clicking here. Instructions for the survey and an illustrative guide on how to report observations of wild turkey broods and hens are provided on the website.