FGA reminds the community to buy local

Batesville, IN—The Food and Growers Association wants you to know it is here to help with your food concerns during this pandemic.  As a community that has always been involved in sourcing and eating great food, the food and growers association says now is the time to help your neighbor do the same, and support your local farmer.

It suggests you call your neighbors, make sure they have enough food to get them by, offer to go to the grocery store if that is where you are headed.  Your neighbors may be too proud to ask, but they may be in need of help due to job loss and lack of money to buy gas for transportation to the store.

For those of you that want healthy local food, check out the FGA website and find out where local farmer are that have eggs, potatoes, meat. Call them up, buy local. 

FGA also says socialize.  Social distancing really means physical distancing, but in this time were we must distance from our friends and relatives physically, you only have to be as far as the phone is from your hand, or your computer is from your face. Technology is amazing.  Call your friends and neighbors, have conversations over the fence, Facetime, Skype, Zoom, etc.