FCCSC delays start of school by one week

Brookville, IN — The Franklin County Community School Board made the decision on Wednesday to push back the start of the 2020-2021 school year from August 5 to Wednesday, August 12 for in-school sessions and Monday, August 17 for online sessions.  The online schooling still gives the option for students to return to in-school sessions at the end of each 9-week grade period.  

The schools will also have a staggered start to the year.  Starting on Wednesday, August 12, students in grades PreK(BES only),1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 will attend school. On Thursday, August 13, students in grades PreK(BES only), K, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 will attend school. And then on Friday, August 14, all students K-12 will attend school. LES Preschool and online schooling begins on Monday, August 17.

Students will be given multiple opportunities during the day for hand washing. Hand sanitizer dispensers will be available in all grades 6-12 classrooms. Drinking fountains have been disabled but bottle fillers will be available to students.

Sharing of school supplies and electronic devices will be limited when possible and in grades 7-12, desks or tables will be sanitized between class periods.
Visitors will not be permitted beyond the main office. The use of volunteers has been suspended.