Evicted renters in Indiana can apply to have record expunged

Statehouse — The Indiana General Assembly has passed a bill that allows renters who have been previously evicted to apply to have that eviction action expunged.

A renter can file a petition through their local court system to have an eviction removed from their record for cases where the eviction order was dismissed, the court ruled in favor of the renter or the renter worked to rectify the situation.

There is also no time limit for eviction expungement – any prior eviction on an individual’s record can potentially be expunged.

Evictions that cannot be removed under this include eviction orders due to disorderly conduct or illegal activity.

Lawmakers have said there are still some areas for improvement that will be addressed as expungement requests are reviewed by Indiana’s court system.

For the moment, eviction expungement requests are being reviewed on a case-by-case basis by certain courts as the new law’s parameters are being tested.

(Story by WRBI reporter Bill Remeika)