ETC offering free wifi hotspots

Southeastern IN—With the growing demands for internet access as a result of the coronavirus, Enhanced Telecommunications Corporation and several local entities are partnering to open ‘parking lot’ hotspots, providing free public internet access from your vehicle.

Currently, there are five parking lots in the ETC service territory where free internet access is available: Decatur County Fairgrounds, Versailles Church of Christ, Sunman Community Park, and both the Bike Park and Liberty Park in Batesville. Additional hotspots opening soon include New Point Community Building, St. John’s Lutheran Church in Napoleon, and St. Michael Church in Brookville. More may potentially follow, depending on need.

“The coronavirus has created an increased demand for internet access,” said ETC Marketing Manager Anita Fledderman. “As more individuals are working from home and students are e-learning, these free internet-access locations are intended to help meet that demand. These hotspots should be particularly helpful for areas where internet access is lacking.”

These temporary hotspots are intended for use from the parking lots only. Entrance inside any building is prohibited. Users accessing the internet from these locations should do so from their vehicles. To access the internet on most devices, go to Settings, search for Wi-Fi options, and select ETC Complimentary Hotspot.  All spots are open during daylight hours; evening hours vary by location.


Anyone with questions about a hotspot site should direct inquiries to ETC (866-ETC-4YOU).