A new Ripley County Sheriff will likely be named within the next two weeks. A caucus will be held to replace Tom Grills who officially stepped down from the position April 1.
Election officials will hold the caucus on Tuesday, April 15 at the Courthouse Annex in Versailles.
Those interested in filing candidacy for the temporary position can do so up to 72 hours prior to the special election. Ripley County Republican Chairman Ginger Bradford said it is important to remember that it is not a permanent position and job duties will be over December 31.
According to Bradford, an interim sheriff will not have an opportunity for another position within the office, unless he or she is already employed there.
Retired Indiana State Trooper Rodney Stratton and Ripley County Chief Deputy Rob Bradley are currently the only candidates for the caucus. Stratton retired two months ago and possibly becoming interim sheriff is an opportunity for him to give back to the community. Bradley has assumed sheriff duties after Tom Grills retired.
Grills had seven months until his end of term limit when he retired. The position is on the ballot for the May Primary and General Election in November. The individual voted in during the election will become sheriff.
Republicans Rob Bradley, Jeff Cumberworth and Joe Mann have filed for the election while Democrats Tim Sutton and Josh Thompson have also entered the running for the sheriff seat.