ECHS, Mathew 25 holding Hurricane Ida relief drive through Tuesday

ST. LEON, IN — East Central High School and Mathew 25 Ministries have teamed up for a Hurricane Ida Relief Drive, which is going on now through Tuesday.

Ida was the fifth most powerful storm to strike the U.S. when it hit Louisiana last Sunday with winds topping out at 150 mph. The Category 4 hurricane, which made landfall on the 16th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, caused flood, wind, and other damage and left thousands without power, food and water.

Needed items include cases of bottled water, personal care products, first aid items, cleaning supplies, paper products, and infant supplies.

Donations should be dropped off by Door 10 at East Central High School. They’re also taking donated items at tonight’s varsity football game against Moeller.

Monetary donations are also being accepted at