East Central student, Eagle Scout candidate takes on Veteran’s memorial project

Ripley County, In.—   East Central High School student and Eagle Scout candidate, Joe Hartman is undertaking a Veteran’s project as part of his promotion plan.

Hartman is taking orders for brick pavers that will make up a memorial at St. Anthony’s Cemetery. The bricks will have three lines, of up to 13 characters per line available. The cost is $35 per brick. Orders should be placed before July 1.

Hartman, who will be junior in the fall, plans to finish laying the pavers before the St. Anthony Church Labor Day celebration. The Eagle Board of Review will look at Hartman’s project in the fall.

Many of Hartman’s family members have served or currently serve in U.S. Armed Forces.

To order email joeyhrtmn@gmail.com or call 812-662-4247.

Joe Hartman order form