East Central Football

East Central: 54
Franklin County: 0

Total Offense: Franklin County 23, East Central 485
Number of Plays: Franklin County 32, East Central 43
Yards per Play: Franklin County 0.7, East Central 11.3
Passing: Franklin County 6, East Central 111
Completions – Attempts: Franklin County 1 – 9, East Central 7 – 8
Yards per Pass: Franklin County 6.0, 15.9
Touchdowns – Interceptions: Franklin County 0 – 0, East Central 1 – 0
Rushing: Franklin County 17, East Central 374
Rushing Attempts: Franklin County 23, East Central 35
Yards per Rush: Franklin County 0.7, East Central 10.7
Receiving: Franklin County 0, East Central 111
Receiving Completions: Franklin County 0, East Central 7
Yards per Catch: Franklin County 0.0, East Central 15.9
Penalties – Yards: Franklin County 3 – 25, East Central 7 – 83
Turnovers: Franklin County 0, East Central 0
Fumbles – Lost: Franklin County 2 – 0, East Central 3 – 0
Interceptions Thrown: Franklin County 0, East Central 0
Punting Attempts – Average Distance: Franklin County 0 – 0.0, East Central 1 – 49.0
Defensive Sacks – Yards: Franklin County 0 – 0, East Central 0 – 0

Submitted by the school’s athletic department.