Conservation officers spent Saturday cracking down on off road vehicles trespassing and causing property damage in Dearborn County.
After receiving several complaints from property owners in the Bonnell Road area, officers were out in force.
Several adjoining property owners and the railroad company have filed complaints of off road vehicles ranging from ATV’s to monster type trucks rutting up their properties and causing property damage without consent.
One director from the Ohio and Indiana Railroad company stated that he was enthusiastic with the idea that law enforcement officers will be enforcing the railroad trespassing laws. He added that the ATV’s and other unauthorized motorized traffic cause thousands of dollars of repairs along the railroad annually.
The detail resulted in 5 individuals cited for operating unregistered ATV’s on the roadway, 1 individual cited for railroad trespass and 3 individuals were arrested and their vehicles towed for criminal mischief causing property damage without the consent of the landowner.