Distracted Driving Grants available to law enforcement agencies

Indianapolis, In. — Indiana law-enforcement agencies may apply for federal Distracted Driving Grants through 12 noon Eastern on Monday, Dec. 10. The Indiana Criminal Justice Institute (ICJI) is making National Highway Traffic Safety Administration grant funding available for the current federal fiscal year, which ends Sept. 30, 2019.

Grant funds reimburse the overtime salary of law-enforcement officers with arrest powers at one and one-half times their regular pay. The grant does not reimburse benefits, fuel or equipment.

Grant proposals should be innovative and address specific, local safety concerns. Programs should be evidence-based supported with crash data, enforcement, education and awareness. More information and additional requirements are in the requests for proposals at www.in.gov/cji/files/RFP_Distracted_Driving_2019.pdf.

Bike, ped grants
Applications are still being accepted from Indiana local governments, nonprofits and non-governmental organizations through 12 noon Eastern on Friday, Dec. 6 for federal grants to reduce traffic crashes involving bicyclists and pedestrians. Non-Motorist Grant funds cover personnel, supplies, operating expenses, and minimal administrative costs.

More information and additional requirements are in the request for proposals at www.in.gov/cji/files/RFP_NonMotorist_2019.pdf.

Questions about the Distracted Driving or Non-Motorist requests for proposal should be referred to program manager Autumn Nicoletti at anicoletti@cji.in.gov or 317-232-2561.

Register, apply in IntelliGrants
To access the online applications, the state or local government must first register in IntelliGrants, ICJI’s new grants-management system, at https://intelligrants.in.gov/Registration2.aspx. ICJI recommends that applicants review IntelliGrants material before logging in for the first time. Use the password IndianaCJI1to register and view the webinar recording at https://bit.ly/2y7aMwp.

Organizations that have already registered in IntelliGrants may add users for these funding availabilities. For example, multiple departments may need to work through one IntelliGrants administrator for their city, town or county government that can assist in registering others and assigning roles.

Everyone who signs ICJI grant agreements must learn how to make electronic signatures in IntelliGrants. The user types are explained on page 6 of the Subgrantee User Manual at www.in.gov/cji/files/IntelliGrants_User_Manual.pdf. Questions beyond what the training webinar recording and user manual provide should be referred to CJIHelpdesk@cji.in.gov.

Once users are registered and approved, an organization will be ready to submit applications for ICJI funding availabilities. To begin an application in IntelliGrants, a subgrantee administrator or subgrantee project director should:

  1. Click the My Home button at the top of the page.
  2. Click the View Opportunities button in the View Available Proposals section.
  3. Find the grant opportunity and click the Apply Now button.