Decatur County REMC Sends Crew to Georgia to Help with Helene Recovery

(Carmel, IN) – Decatur County REMC is among the Indiana electric cooperatives that have sent crews and equipment to assist in the Hurricane Helene recovery efforts.

Indiana Electric Cooperatives says an estimated 40 line workers from 12 of Indiana’s electric cooperatives departed from Clark County REMC on Thursday to assist Cobb EMC near Marietta, Georgia.

“Every cooperative in the Indiana electric cooperative family is an integral part of a state and national network of hundreds of fellow cooperatives,” said John Cassady, CEO for Indiana Electric Cooperatives. “It is incumbent upon us to work together and help one another in times of disaster, to make sure our power delivery systems are repaired as quickly, safely and cost-effectively as possible.”

Cobb EMC provides electric service to nearly 200,000 residential and commercial consumers in five Georgia counties.

“We take care of emergency needs at home first, but our crews are eager to help those in need,” said Jon Elkins, vice president of safety, training and compliance at Indiana Electric Cooperatives. “They take a tremendous amount of pride in representing their home cooperative and the state of Indiana. They represent us well with how hard, professionally and safely they work.”

The Indiana electric cooperative mutual aid program provides cooperative assistance in service restoration from storms or other events that result in significant power outages.